Move to a new address or within your building
Last updated: 05/09/2023
This user guide will show you the steps to request the move of your services to a new location – including changes such as:
- Moving within the same building at the same address
- Moving to a new address
Some examples include:
- "We need to relocate our office and move all of our services from Cupertino to San Jose"
- "I am moving to a new suite within the same building at my Dallas address"
- "We are upgrading to a new server room and need to move all of our CPE"
All locations globally
Requests for orders can be made for any location globally for users who have a user role eligible for placing orders. Inventory display will be dependent on the accounts in your user profile. If some inventory does not appear, an account may be missing from your user profile. Your account manager can assist in updating your profile.

2. Hover over Orders and click on Move service under Create an order request.. On the Verizon Enterprise Center home page, you can also click on Move service in the Orders pod for the same option to create an order.
Identify service

3. To start, you first identify the service(s) to be moved.
In Identify your service, search for the service to work with by entering a existing service identifier, location name, service address, or location ID, which can be found on your invoice and then click Search. Examples for service identifier are found in View examples & hints. Or you may choose Select from inventory to route to a full listing of all inventory in your profile.
Requests previously saved, but not submitted can be found in Saved requests.
Note: The info icon ⓘ indicates helpful information.

4. If no service details are found for the entered value, verify the information entered and correct as necessary. If entered correctly, check I entered the Service Identifier correctly. This will display fields to complete so that a Verizon representative can validate the information and fulfill your request.
Note: If the service identifier is not found, its associated billing account number may be missing from your user profile. Please contact your Verizon representative or company point of contact to add these accounts to your profile to support future requests.
Service details

5. The service details will display according to the search parameter used. Select the service you would like to include in the move order request. To include all, check the box at the top.
Note: The chain link icon shows these services are tied together in a grouping. The Association field explains how they are connected.

6. Move requests will prompt a choice of the action below the inventory selected. Choose the most relevant: Moving the service within the same building,.to a new address, or something else. Upon selection of the activity, choose Continue to complete request details.
Request details

7. For Delivery details, enter the required information. Verizon will make every effort to have the service ready on your requested date. A committed delivery date will be provided during order processing. Provide the required details for the new location. If it is a new address, click Validate Location to validate the entered address. Also, identify if it’s a new construction. (image 1). Click Proceed to Contact information. (image 2) You can also save the order request and return to it later. To return to the order, hover on Orders and click Saved requests under Status.

8. For Contact Information, you will be the primary contact since you are placing the order. If needed, you can edit your contact information, add an Onsite Contact, and enter up to three additional email addresses to receive the order confirmation. Then click Proceed to Billing information.
9. In Billing information, you can view the billing account number and billing address for the service being changed. You cannot edit this field. Click Proceed to review & submit.
Review & submit

10. In Review & submit, scroll down the page to review all the order request information. Click on the pencil icon to edit a field. At the bottom of the Review & submit page, click on Submit order to place your order request. Once submitted, you can track your order in Verizon Enterprise Center by hovering over Orders > Pending Orders.

Track the request

11. After you click Submit, you will see a message that gives your request ID, and you will receive an email confirming your order that includes an attached pdf file with your order request details. If a quote is required, you will receive another email once your quote is ready for your review.

12 .Track orders online by hovering over Orders and click on View all under Status. A support guide is available to learn more about using View order status.

13. If you request to move service to a new address, a quote will be required. When ready, you can view your quote online by hovering over Orders and clicking on All quotes under Digital quotes. You can click on the Request ID to view the quote. While your quote is in progress, there are status phrases to direct your actions online, as shown below under Status. Once the quote becomes an order, the status changes to ‘Order initiated” and you can click on it to view your order status. You will also receive an email with your quote.
Note: Click here to view guide for Check your order status, Click here to view guide for View and accept your online quote
Tips and troubleshooting
Topic | Tip |
Logging in or Accessing the tool | User IDs will need a password change if you have not logged in for 90 days. A new User ID is needed if not logged in for a year. |
Finding the service identifier | If you have access to a Verizon invoice, the Service Identifier and Location ID are listed. Otherwise, you may search a few different ways for the Service Identifier while online. Go to Service > Map View. The map can be very helpful to find the service. The Inventory tab has a search at the top and filter icons Remember: You can change the search parameter by selecting on the Service Identifier dropdown.
Adding service identifiers by typing them in | When you don’t see a service you are looking for, it could be that the service address has more than one Location ID, or that the service is a much older service and it may not have a Location ID. Include these services by entering them manually and a Verizon representative will review. |
Tracking the order | Once an order is submitted you will receive on-screen confirmation and email confirmation with a tracking number that starts with DR or CR. Search on that number in View Order Status to track your order. If a price change is required, you may also receive a Quote ID in addition.
If your order status list is empty, you may try to change the filter in the upper left of the table, or click the filter icon |
General | When the tool is acting strange, sometimes it is a signal to clear your browsing history or refresh the page. Your session may have timed out and you need to log in again.
Opening a new Chrome window in ‘incognito mode’ is one method of getting a clean session each time. |
Support | For help with navigating an online tool, or to report an error message, contact Verizon Enterprise Center support via Support / Contact us. |